Cathy McQuaid DPsych, TSTA (P), MSc (Psychotherapy), Dip Clinical Supervision, CTA (P), UKCP Registered, is a trainer, supervisor, psychotherapy training consultant and researcher. Cathy’s interest in research and training led to her undertaking a project to explore trainees experience of TA psychotherapy training which she began in 2006 as part of a doctoral programme. Since completing this research in 2010 she has become ever more enthusiastic and passionate about research and training standards. As a result of her doctoral research, Cathy published her first book What You Really Need To Know About Counselling and Psychotherapy Training: An Essential Guide with Routledge in 2014. She is currently exploring the training needs and wishes for counselling and psychotherapy trainers. In addition to writing and researching Cathy runs a busy practice in the North West of England offering research, clinical and training supervision along with various CPD training courses and workshops. She is currently the Chair of UKATA TSC, the UKATA CTA Written Exam Supervisor and one of the EATA delegates representing the four UK TA organisations.
"Scripts, scripting and culture" (Pre-conference: Thursday, October 27th - Friday, October 28th, 09.30 - 17.00)
"Opening and key note speech: "Individuals, Groups and Multiculturalism"" (Conference: Saturday, October 29th, 09.00 – 10.30)
"Berne’s energy theory and culture" (Conference: Saturday, October 29th, 10.45 - 17.30)